Vision Relay KOM/QOM 2017

Please note:

The below results are calculated from the chip read at the exchange in Torrey to the summit of Boulder Mountain. IF your team started before the chip read in Torrey then the time is not reflective of your actual KOM time.

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Female Teams
Place Name Bib No Chip Time Time Back
1 Zanconato Racing 304 2:03:51.2
2 Team Red Rock Women 303 2:06:36.9 2:45.7
3 ATC Racing 301 2:20:11.9 16:20.7
Male & Coed Teams
Place Name Bib No Chip Time Time Back
1 Captain Jacks 281 1:43:59.1
2 Tate’s Tater Tots 272 1:49:54.3 5:55.1
3 Fast Friday 216 1:50:38.2 6:39.0
4 Team Endurance360 231 1:51:38.0 7:38.8
5 Team Red Rock Men 232 1:51:54.6 7:55.5
6 Team Rush 234 1:52:07.4 8:08.2
7 Bob Haworth Mem Team 101 1:52:32.9 8:33.7
8 Adrenalin Junkies 201 1:53:12.7 9:13.5
9 Visibility Sign Graphics 238 2:00:22.2 16:23.0
10 What were we th five 239 2:00:44.9 16:45.8
11 Sweaty Business Capital 229 2:00:45.7 16:46.5
12 Red Rock Bicycl Company 226 2:02:35.5 18:36.3
13 Bike Accident A Farabee 1 2:03:48.0 19:48.8
14 Zanconato Racin 2 242 2:03:56.3 19:57.1
15 Hyperthreads 2 219 2:07:04.9 23:05.7
16 Spingineers Team 228 2:11:01.6 27:02.4
17 Cache Valley Bank 246 2:11:50.8 27:51.6
18 Wolf Pack Alpha 240 2:12:03.0 28:03.8
19 The Fatboys 269 2:12:25.6 28:26.4
20 Slim & Knobby’s Shop 227 2:13:17.5 29:18.3
21 Hyperthreads 1 218 2:14:39.2 30:40.0
22 Keep Calm and C On 224 2:14:57.8 30:58.6
23 Greeks and Geek 1 251 2:17:30.9 33:31.7
24 My Churn On Earth 258 2:19:21.4 35:22.2
25 Brute Force 208 2:19:32.0 35:32.8
26 Wolf Pack Beta 241 2:19:55.8 35:56.6
27 ESP Race Club 215 2:20:07.0 36:07.8
28 Hyperthreads 3 220 2:22:33.2 38:34.0
29 Hyperthreads 4 221 2:22:36.6 38:37.5
30 Badger Slayer 401 2:23:33.6 39:34.4
31 Bike Accident A Dodge 204 2:23:42.2 39:43.0
32 Bike Accident A Lund 205 2:23:45.2 39:46.0
33 Powderbird Team 103 2:23:57.3 39:58.1
34 cycle paths 212 2:25:28.0 41:28.8
35 Cycle paths2 213 2:25:37.0 41:37.8
36 Snow More – A 260 2:26:32.0 42:32.8
37 Snow More – B 261 2:26:33.9 42:34.7
38 TBD 4 266 2:26:39.3 42:40.1
39 Tote Goats 237 2:26:56.5 42:57.3
40 Team Kyani 267 2:27:40.9 43:41.7
41 Crank Addicts 209 2:28:31.4 44:32.2
42 Weedwackers Team 270 2:29:20.6 45:21.4
43 Greeks and Geek 2 252 2:29:53.0 45:53.9
44 Crank N CarbSports 210 2:32:15.7 48:16.5
45 iCandy Team 222 2:33:27.0 49:27.8
46 Fry Guys 250 2:39:41.1 55:41.9
47 JT Riders 2 254 2:39:42.7 55:43.5
48 Mid Town Mashers 273 2:42:37.0 58:37.9
49 JT Riders 253 2:42:50.4 58:51.2
50 TBD 3 265 2:44:05.6 1:00:06.4
51 Watts Crakkin 106 2:45:47.6 1:01:48.4
52 TBD 1 263 2:48:44.2 1:04:45.0
53 TBD 2 264 2:48:54.0 1:04:54.9
54 Four Men & A Li Pavey 249 2:55:43.6 1:11:44.4
55 Mind the GAAP 257 3:07:51.3 1:23:52.1
56 Taylor Allred 230 3:18:05.7 1:34:06.6